Some of you might say that you can just use Finder on a Mac to search for files by name, and you'd be correct, that also works, but this is much faster and more flexible. The find command will search for the specified files in all of your computers directories. It works by making use of bashs built-in glob. Although both commands have the same function, they work differently. There are a bunch of options you might find handy, run man find to see them all. To find all the files of a certain extension within the current path you can use the following find syntax. log I can do that like this: find | grep '\.log$'Īfter my initial thought to use grep, I realized that the find command also has a lot of builtin options you can leverage, so we can simplify this by using: find -name '*.log' If the file name contains no slashes (since it is in the current directory) the h specifier expands to '.'. It searches the directory tree rooted at each given starting-point by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence, until the outcome is known (the left-hand side is false for and operations, true for or), at. man find (ACTIONS): -printf h Leading directories of file's name (all but the last element). To find a file named name on your PATH using a bash loop: oldIFSIFS IFS: for d in PATH do -f 'd/name' & echo 'Found d/name' done IFSoldIFS On many systems, such as debian, which is just a shell script and it uses a very similar loop. Since grep supports regular expressions, if I just want to search file files ending in. There is a command in Linux to search for files in a directory hierarchy known as ‘find’. I can search my home directory for any file with log in the file name (or directory name). The grep command can be used to search the output of another command by using the | pipe operator. While that is handy, it might list out thousands of files, so our next step is to search the results for the file name we are looking for. The find command will be installed by default on your Mac, and just about every linux distribution. if that works to find what you are looking for, add the -delete find. You can also use -anewer for accessed and -cnewer file status changed. In this case, the file is at midnight touch -t 0810010000 /tmp/t Now we can find all files that are newer or older than the above file (going by file modified date). You can also give it a path, so if you want to search just your home directory (and it is not your current working directory) you can just run: find ~Īnd that will list every single file in your home directory (The ~ is a shortcut for home directory). Depending on how complex the other files are, you may have to build up the regex more. First create a file with a particular date/time. The find command is really handy because it will list every file in the current directory and all sub directories.
Find file bash code#
Note that you must replace the with actual values in the following code examples to run the examples.Have you ever had to find a file by a file name or file extension? Sure you have! Here's how I locate a file when I'm using a Mac or Linux shell. Search results must meet at least one of the two conditions Furthermore, an OR link can be used or a condition can be negated: Here, a logical AND operation is implicitly assumed. Several search parameters can also be combined. The output will show a list of files without any additional information. with the path to the directory where you want to search for the largest files. Below, you’ll find an overview of the most commonly used search parameters: The find command can help you locate files and folders that may fit a wide set of criteria, and as a result, is a powerful command-line utility in Linux. For example, to search for files with size greater than 100 MB, in the current working directory, you would run the following command: sudo find. This is followed by a space and the value of the parameter. msi ) > mysearch.txt Save the result of the find command The type option with the find command opens many opportunities.

In case you need to save your findings for later investigation, redirect it to a file: find -name abc -type f ( -name. A search parameter consists of a hyphen that is immediately followed by the name of the parameter. Using the above command, you can find files occupying more than 2000 Megabytes of space.

First, the command itself is written, followed by a directory path, and a variable number of search parameters.